TEACHERS FOR CHOICE is an organization comprised of teachers and educators that are 100% against forced medical mandates for any American to access society or keep their job. We a re fighting in the courts and working with lawmakers to bring back the fired & banned workers in New York who declined COIVD vaccination.

Contact us at TeachersforChoice@Substack.com

Michael Kane

TEACHERS FOR CHOICE was founded by Michael Kane who was an NYC teacher for over 14 years until he was fired for declining the covid shot. He is a named plaintiff in two major CHD- backed lawsuits (listed below) and works as a grassroots organizer in the medical freedom movement throughout New York and the country.

Kane has been covered in the news by NBC Nightly News, CBS, ABC, BBC, Fox & Friends, Fox Business News, The Laura Ingraham Angle, Newsmax, Associated Press, Gothamist, The Gary Null Show, The Shannon Joy Show, PIX 11, Bronx & Brooklyn News 12, La Voz Latina, and has his own show on CHD.TV at 10am Tuesday mornings.

You can find our old post from 2020 up till 2023 at www.TeachersforChoice.org



This case is currently paired with Keil v. The City of New York as well a s New Yorkers for Religious Liberty v. The City of New York. These cases have been sitting in the 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals since February of 2023 with no ruling from the 3-judge panel it is before. This is the case the NY Times reported on when two judges in the Southern District federal court had to recuse themselves because they owned hundreds of thousands of dollars of Big Pharma stocks.

DiCapua v. City of New York

This case is in NY State court. Ten of our plaintiffs won in the lower court, however NYC appealed which stopped us from actually returning to our jobs with backpay.

NY Workers for Choice

In the summer of 2022 we helped to form a state-wide coalition against mandates that now includes Bravest for Choice, Teachers for Choice, Finest for Choice, Court Workers for Choice, Educators for Freedom, Strongest for Freedom and Medical Professionals for Informed Consent (MPIC). This represents New York firefighters, educators, police officers, sanitation officers and medical professionals who all oppose medical mandates for employment. It is in our unity that we possess the power to create the changes we need.

There is a lot we have done to fight for Medical Freedom in New York and America.

Why subscribe?

At this Substack, we document and report on all things Medical Freedom in New York State and New York City. We also cover the most important national and international news on Medical Freedom. TEACHERS FOR CHOICE is a part of 2 major lawsuits fighting against the firing of NYC workers who declined the Covid vaccine. Those lawsuits are:

Stay tuned to this Substack for regular updates.

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All news and legal updates for Teachers for Choice and all workers opposing medical mandates to maintain employment


Michael Kane is the founder of TEACHERS FOR CHOICE, a group of educators who oppose forced medical mandates for anyone to keep their job, attend school or access society. Kane is also the Managing Editor of the HONEST MEDIA PROJECT.