I'm hardly the only one who will be very interested to see your press release on this topic. I do not doubt that in many cities, many counties, many states, and nations, certain enterprising individuals made quite the tidy sum on those government contracts for materials and services rleated to covid testing, and some blasts of sunshine upon the contract assigning-process, the parties to those contracts, and the upon contracts themsleves could be quite... hmmm.... Many words come to mind.

Thanks for shining your light, and in so many ways.

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We need accountability!

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YES...ACCOUNTABILITY is right! That's what "they" dread. And, by "they" I mean the "people" who are more robotic than real, either through the manipulation of their DNA through the shots or through fearful collusion.

And, Michael Kane is right, as he usually is, when he says, regarding Warren Wilhelm (de Blasio's real name) and Mulgrew that: "Those two did nothing, so we had to sue". Bureaucrats that are supposed to "protect" us often do nothing of the sort, and our only resort is usually through the legal system, which is an uphill, but necessary battle. THANK YOU again, Michael!

--Joanna from NYC's Medical Freedom Alliance (www.mfany.org)

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You make many solid points here, Joann's. Ty

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Thanks, Michael. I couldn't make your City Hall event today, but I hope it was a success. If you can make it and you are not going to DC, we are having medical freedom activist JEREMIAH HOSEA speak this coming Sunday (September 29th) at 1:30pm. It will be at 122 EAST 83rd Street. For more info, please see the Link below: https://mfany.org/jeremiah-hoseas-host-of-the-bassline-special-presentation-on-september-29-2024-at-130pm-at-mfa/

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Michael, you could write a book. Varma should be sued for his "drug money" which should go to fired workers.

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