Thanks so much for suggesting this and coming on, Michael! It was a blast!

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You did a fantastic job running this Roundtable Liam. Thank YOU!

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Great roundtable! I was just reading the platform of the Green Party this year, and their response to COVID is atrocious. Won't be voting for them, unfortunately. You were right, Michael.

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Thank you!

Jill Stein is better on public health and COVID thana most Greens. However she has no spine to stand UP to the radical Greens that love mandates, lockdowns, masks and destroying personal freedoms when it comes to public health.

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“Radical” isn’t exactly the word I’d use. 😆 Maybe hypocritical or authoritarian.

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Thank You All for the EXTREMELY important discussion!

Just few words...., about Trump who:

1. gave the S. Shyam Sunder the Presidential Rank Award of Distinguished Executive (2017) (https://www.nist.gov/blogs/taking-measure/authors/s-shyam-sunder)! Shyam Sunder is the official who committed the most criminal act of covering up the 9/11 TRUE STORY!!! Btw. who was involved in the true story? https://heavy.com/news/2017/08/john-trump-donald-uncle-mit-nikola-tesla-g-george-time-travel/ and here more on it: https://spark.iop.org/teslas-mysterious-box . Read the book from Prof. Judy Wood (Where did the towers go? https://archive.org/details/where_did_the_towers_go ) and if you can understand it, you will know, all what you know about 9/11 is FALSE! And Trump knows why, that's why the medal...

2. right before the PLAN-demic, in Sep 2019 Trump honored other friend: https://www.npr.org/2019/10/08/768136964/trump-to-honor-former-reagan-attorney-general-who-left-government-under-ethics-c

Edwin Meese III, the one who 'owns' the Heritage Foundation, which led the entire covid greatly arranged 'response'!! Meese was attorney general in 1986, anything special on this??? Read the book by Dr. Heiko Schoening "The Game Over" and you will know the rest.

3. you all know his covid response and the FALSEHOODS of genetically modifying operation, WARp SpEED on the entire humanity, under his radar!!!

4. Jeffrey Epstein, such a great friend of Trump, dies exactly DURING HIS PRESIDENCY.... ANyone knows why, and how Trump actually met his 3rd wife, who gave him the son with the special name, BARON.

5. You see his current LIES of not even mentioning the HEALTH plan et all, that AFTER getting RFK Jr. on the stage with him.

Why the NAIVE character of RFK Jr. believing Trump once again, after seeing NOTHING?, that is completely unclear to me, UNLESS, there should be a BIG EXPOSURE of DJT.., who should land in JAIL, together with Fauci, BIden and Co.

In the face of ALL OF THIS, to say 'I will vote for DJT, while having RKK Jr. on the SAME BALLOT, is a SUICIDE, Betrayal, and also a TOTAL falsehood, Dr. Bowden, and anyone else who attends to do the same. ANYONE injured by covid genetically modifying concoctions can thank Trump AND Biden, Fauci, et al., all chosen by Trumo, INTENTIONALLY with premeditation!!! Read some of my posts, and you wil know why...

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Thanks Liam, I enjoyed Mary, Mike and John's perspectives deeply. Good followers will follower a good leader, but great followers will hold our leaders accountable to be worthy enough to have great followers. Many of us are still hoping for a "mia culpa" from Trump. At minimum he may offer a few more years before shit really hits the fan. Let's pray him and us all get a little divine intervention. No one man can lead us out of this, but I have peace knowing agape love is always victorious in the end. God Bless

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There won't be a mea culpa pre-Nov5

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