What a shit calling it the RFK bill

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Del will set Hoylman straight!

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yes indeed, it stinks like hell.

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Has RFK protested?

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Kennedy won't be saying anything about anything until AFTER he is confirmed..

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Del supports vax

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Yes. They think we're stupid.

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I think it's more that satan has to ask permission and satanists believe that if they tell you what they're going to do, they won't have bad karma.

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Religion and deities are irrelevant. It's the class war, nothing more, nothing less. The timeless battle of despots exploiting the plebs.

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You don't believe global mass murder, injecting babies with poisons, etc all in the name of "health care" to be evil?

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Thanks Michael for that info! As always it raises the blood pressure, due to infinite evil of certain 'people', which I'm not sure are humans any more, sorry for that remark!

First: RFK Jr is NOT YET confirmed by Senate, isn't he????

Second: to USE HIS NAME and putting it in a context of an ORDER, which suppose to become a 'law' which I read as:

Hey RFK, Jr., Act!

is plain ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL in fact, in my opinion.

Slowly it becomes clear, that any 'law'-'maker' has nothing to search inside of politics.

The first thing, that new gov in coming could do, is to nullify all new 'laws' in the past 4 years, or even way more than that, which are simply anti-HUMAN and violate the basic constitutional rights.

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If 'vaccines' are tied to digital 'passports' it's not about health.

Receipt of jabs is a gesture of submission to the ruling class. Not only RC, the bourgeois wealthy middle classes who live on the backs of working class and poor, live in a state of anxiety over the prospect of a future workers revolution.

- When liberals fear catching 'Covid', 'bird flu' or 'monkey pox', etc. they really fear working class uprising -

Therefore vax passports are today's prisoner number tattoos. Passports combined with digital ID and the surveillance state serve as panopticons. When the prisoners are under control dinner parties can resume.

Proletariat faces a monumental struggle. If Left and trades unions are infiltrated by bourgeoisie, then proletariat has zero allies. (I warned that RFK and Trump will try to sell the vaccines and digital ID but people are in denial.)

California is threatening lockdowns for 'bird flu'. A general strike would would end this sh*t.

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There are multimillionaires who are bonafide medical freedom fighters because they, too, are being forced to vaccinate as are their kids. I know some or them.

So this is an interesting class dynamic

I believe every revolution has had support from rich benefactors- as revolutions beed funding.

I disagree with your take on RFK & Trump

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I'm interested in facts and truth - a lonely place. We shall see re RFK and Trump. (I'll take no pleasure from being proved right.) I still recall New York's Democrats' plans for quarantine camps. Things are serious.

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Which is why fema can't help hurricane victims, but they can build camps.

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Maxwell Azzarello:

'Trump is with Biden and they're about to fascist coup us'

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One big uniparty.

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All vaccines must be stopped being manufactured. Why kill or injure more people in a test case? God gave us an immune system to ward off diseases . Vaccines just produce more deaths and injuries 😠😠

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Thanks for sharing this info - I’m sharing it now to many social media accounts!

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