Please donate what you can so I can continue to fight for medical freedom and protect the rights of unvaccinated workers
If you appreciate the work I have done for the past 5 years with TEACHERS FOR CHOICE, then I am asking for your help in order to continue our fight for medical freedom. I have been fighting against mandates even before COVID, and I can't continue without your support.
Please donate what you can:
In 2025, I am partnering with Autism Action Network to continue the fight in Albany, NY for medical freedom and parental rights, as well as continue to fight for unvaccinated NYC workers to be reinstated and compensated, and we will be fighting to Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) in Washington DC.
Here is the work I am committed to in 2025:
Reporting legal updates for all court cases of fired unvaccinated workers
Fighting for full congressional hearings for fired unvaccinated workers
Fighting for the MAHA agenda in Washington DC
Fighting in N.Y. City Hall to assist fired unvaccinated workers
Fighting in Albany for fired unvaccinated workers
Fighting in Albany to preserve and expand parental rights
Collaborating with leaders of NY WORKERS FOR CHOICE
…and more!
Please consider contributing to my efforts in one of two ways:
Donate to Autism Action Network by clicking here (preferred)
Donating to Teachers for Choice by clicking here
All of these donations will help to pay for research, writing, legal updates, publications, social media updates, podcasts, interviews, grassroots reporting, education, strategy, rallies, signs, flyers, buses and more to ensure medical freedom is on the rise in New York and America in 2025! If you have benefited from any of this work that I have done - and continue to do - please consider donating today.
In the past as a medical freedom activist, I have been employed by Children’s Health Defense and AV24.org, but today I no longer have employment from either of these organizations. I love both of these non-profit outfits, and hopefully I will work for them again at some point in the future, but that is not an option today. The broadcasts that I continue to do on CHD TV every Tuesday at 10am ET are not compensated. I do them voluntarily to ensure the voices of fired unvaccinated workers remain on that platform, and to ensure New York issues are represented as well.
Despite financial uncertainty in 2025, I continue the fight for medical freedom through Teachers for Choice. I have lost tons of money and resources by switching from a career in education to a career in activism fighting for medical freedom. I do so gladly and without complaint as I know there are so many who have sacrificed just like me; many sacrificing far worse. I am grateful for what I have. But I can’t continue this work for long without being able to support myself, my wife and our two young children.
Thank you for reading this message, and thank you for your support.
Michael Kane
Please consider contributing to my efforts in any of the following ways:
And please, join us in Albany, NY on January 14 with Del Bigtree, Mary Holland, Bobbie Anne Cox
The Nuremberg Code -