I’m glad to see some critical thinking regarding Trump! Lots of red flags people have been closing their eyes to just because he’s Trump. Thank you!

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We have 30 or 40 days left to push our agenda. Best to do that instead of being a quick cheap date.

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I'm inclined to agree with Gilmore. Trump has always sided with big business, whether it be vaccines, pesticides, fracking etc. It's in his DNA. Trump over Harris -- easy, he's a human being with some accomplishments. But voting for "NOT so and so" irks me. What a mess we are in, though?! Someone like Peggy Hall (who is great!) insists Bobby is TOO pro-vaccine.

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Saying RFK is TO pro vaccine is crazy.

Yes we should be wary of Trump - but he can still convince me.

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It is a no brainer. Kennedy will work to get medical freedom and choice because he is working with Trump. If you vote Kennedy and Trump loses you will not get medical choice and freedom! Remember Trump was and is a moderate democrat. He is not pro life etc.

AND Kennedy has endorsed Trump. Do not let TDS hurt you.

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This had nothing to do with TDS

This is about FACTS

Trump screwed Medical Freedom Fighters over before, so now they are skeptical.

He needs to convince the community, and he can

He just needs to choose to do.so

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I thought Trump was Prolife all this time but he is not. I do think, hope, that since RFK says Trump is in agreement with him and placing him in a position to do what RFK strives for is sufficient to go for a lesser of two evils. No?

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I will write in Kennedy and on ballots chose him. Kennedy our only hope. Trump has been threatened with one shot already to given in to deep state complex etc.

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Remember Jacobson v Massachusetts was distinguished by Health Freedom Defense Fund in Carvalajo v. LAUSD a 9th Circuit case in CA. Teachers in California relied on more recent jurisprudence which excludes COVID “vaccines” as effective because they did not prevent infection or transmission. Under the new ruling, the government in the 9th Circuit can’t force “vaccines” that don’t benefit the general public and that fall under the definition of medical treatment. Trump should get this ruling codified at the federal level and eliminate product liability for immunity for vaccine manufacturers. Too many people were injured by the experimental drugs under the guise of a hyped up pandemic.

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Unless the Senate is flipped red there is no chance to codify this.

Even IF the Senate is flipped red it is highly unlikely as there are still many many corporate friendly Republican senators (majority)

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I know it's a long shot, no pun intended. And, as you have alluded, corporations and the government blur the rules to mutually benefit each other over the interests of individual rights.

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Check out this FB post if you can access it:


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From Kennedy himself, we need to vote for Trump.


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I understand, but I alone am not TEACHERS FOR CHOICE.

We have a steering committee.

Many of our members are not convinced Trump is going to deliver on his promises. For example, Trump has 20 CORE PROMISES TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

There is nothing on MAHA



If it's just an oversight, ok. That's fine. FIX IT!

It will go a long way.

Because, right now the message people who pay attention are getting is that #MAHA is NOT a CORE PROMISE from Donald Trump himself.

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BTW - here is Trump's 20 CORE PROMISES: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/platform

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