The UFT has not helped retirees in their fight to save Medicare either. In fact President Mulgrew and other union leaders have supported the City against us.

Although I cannot come to Albany, I’ll be there praying for all of you. Just FYI , my daughter was not able to work for the DOE because of the lockout. We had to pay back her tuition her DOE scholarship to Downstate. They found an accommodating place so she could finish her internship. And she found two OT positions where she did not have to have the COVID shot. I support your fight 100%.


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Thank you SO MUCH!!!!

TEACHERS FOR CHOICE FULLY supports our retired brothers and sisters who were getting railroaded by Mulgrew, UFT and Mayor Adams to privatize their healthcare. We hope for a day soon where those fighting against Medicare Advantage join us and recognize we are ALL fighting the same battle to have access to the best healthcare available, and the CHOICE of what we put in our bodies.

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I fully agree! How horrible is it that we must constantly fight for our rights whether it is healthcare, housing, education or wages that people can live on.

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Sep 9Liked by Michael Kane

BIG PRAYERS your way!!

May Justice Prevail!

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Teachers' unions and government are in bed with each other. Exercise your federal case law right not to pay the public unions any dues. Stick it to their bank accounts! Janus v. AFSCME (2018)

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