Outrageous she claimed to be standing up for New Yorkers against authoritarianism by opposing DHS but not fired workers who refused to participate in medical experiments.. how do such horrid people get into positions of power.. this is insane & evil hypocrisy.

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💯 💯 💯 !!!

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Unreal levels of corruption in NY government

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Great letter. A state with "leaders" this evil and cruel is not sustainable. I cross-posted this letter at my Substack newsletter. Let's shine a little (a lot) more light on such people.

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Bill thank you SO MUCH for the cross post! My name is Michael Kane I'm the founder of TEACHERS FOR CHOICE.

Two unvaccinated NYC School social workers fired for declining the shot wrote this letter - Diane Pagen and Aura Moody

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Also Bill- if you click on "LETTERS" at the top of the navigation on this Substack, you will see many letters we have written to Eric Adams, Donald Trump and others about the plight of fired unvaccinated workers in NY.

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A truly brilliant accounting of all the malfeasance poured upon those workers. Bravo! Thank you for publishing!

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She has no soul . She is as evil as Klaus Schwab, gates and company☠️

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this^ there are no circumstances in the given situation that could justify what these monsters did.

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She is one of the soulless WEFers.

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Hochul should do some soul searching this Women's Month as she reflects on the thousands of NY women whose careers she has hobbled.

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For many left-wing women, including Hochul, identity politics is a means of validation and affirmation. It has nothing to do with the wellbeing of other women or minorities. In fact, if other people's material wellbeing or civil liberties gets in the way of said validation and affirmation, they get tossed right out the window.

Check out the recent "Choose your Fighter" video from the Democrat women in congress and ask yourself: "Are they in government to help other people, or is being in government a means of self-help?", then ask yourself "Even if they did give a shit about people like me, would they be competent enough to make a positive impact on my life?"

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Bravo! Vote her and her gang out of office!

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Michael, I just added this newsletter to my list of "Contrarian" Substack All-Stars. I'm sorry I missed it earlier. This dispatch lists approximately 150 newsletters that reach a market of people who share the views expressed in this excellent letter.


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Ty so much Bill!

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Well done to all on this list! Around the world, we stand with you!

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TY!!! 🙏

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Ty bill for putting real names to this travesty! Good luck to everyone on this list… and many more that we don’t have names….yet!

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The obvious explanation is that neither Holchul or Adams has a moral compass. Instead they have an immoral compass.

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Would love to add us: Katy & Joel Mejia, NYC DOE CTE Teachers - 6 years of service

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Katy please email me, I will send your info to Diane Pagen and Aura Moody who are managing the database of names (nyteachersforchoice@gmail.com)

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I get those workers want to get re-hired, but if they do, they’d best have a back up plan in place. What makes they think she wouldn’t pull the same thing for the next “pandemic”. It’s not like she’s following Trumps EO’s or even SCOTUS rulings.

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True but 2 things:

1) There are some people in NY who have no options. They need their job back. Some are homeless; today, right now, HOMELESS or in the shelter system

2) I do not believe any "pandemic" is on the horizon. They can't pull it off. Not now. Bird flu now is the old "pump-&-dump" schemes Big Pharma had pulled for at least the past 30 years. Shell games like COVID can only be pulled off about once every 2 decades. The last major one in USA prior was likely 9-11

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These politicians are scum. They deserve the worst and their day is coming.

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All ill say is peolle need to stop calling them shot a vaccine.

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I always say injection but people persist in calling them vaccine.

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Just say #ClotShot to piss them off.

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that works. I say injection because it is essentially the same as death penalty injections, same purpose even if usually slower.

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Those people need to hire Ari Siri. He's been successful in winning suits against these scum bags.

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