WE DID IT! No Bad Laws in 2024!!!
New York Legislature goes home for the year without passing a single vaccine bill we opposed!
The below is from our friend John Gilmore at AutismActionNetwork.org
If you are happy to see that we defended medical freedom and parental rights again in New York, please consider Donating to TEACHERS FOR CHOICE (TFC) so we can continue this crucial work. - Michael Kane, founder of TFC
New York, we did it again!
The New York legislature ended their session for the year yesterday and thanks to your calls, emails, office visits, social media posts, demonstrations, rallies, donations, and determination to never give up, not a single vaccine bill we opposed this session got passed! Fifth year in a row!
And since this is an election year, all the bills will die. Looking forward, we will have to make a determined effort to make sure that as many of them as possible do not come back next January.
That means we will need to do everything we can to make sure those legislators that put kowtowing to big pharma ahead of your children’s health, and your family’s human rights, pay a big price in November. We need to get some scalps!
If you support the work of the Autism Action Network please help us help you and your family by donating HERE. We can’t do this without your support.
Here is what we stopped:
A6761 (Reyes-D)/S8352 (May-D), Eliminates your right to even know what is done medically to your children. This bill literally legalizes the medical kidnapping of every child in the state. The heat on Senate sponsor Rachel May got so intense (thank you one and all) that she pulled her own bill!
S1531 (Hoylman-D), the mandatory adult vaccine database, and the foundation for any system of forced vaccination and vaccine passports for adults in the future. This bill (A7154, McDonald-D) passed in the Assembly last spring, but that bill will die with the election, and they will have to start from scratch.
A276b (Paulin-D)/S762a (Krueger-D), would allow shots and drugs marketed as preventing STIs to be given to children without parental consent. Yet another of the Democrats’ bills to eliminate parent’s rights to even know what is going on medically with our children. This got voted through the Assembly Health Committee last spring but never made it to a floor vote.
S6103 (Krueger-D), would allow 14-year-olds to get any vaccine without parental consent. Pressure by us on Asm. Patricia Fahy got her to kill her identical bill in the Assembly, so it had no chance of passing.
A995c (Paulin-D)/A2445c (Hoylman-D), Legalizes physician assisted suicide. In the Netherlands, the country that adopted physician-assisted suicide first, almost half of all people “choosing suicide” have autism, an intellectual disability or both, 28% have autism without intellectual disability. Canada has started allowing otherwise healthy people with autism to “choose” physician assisted suicide. This is what happens when killing people considered inconvenient becomes legal.
A2125 (Dinowitz-D)/S8113 (Skoufis-D), This bill would repeal religious exemptions from vaccine mandates for work or college. This used to be sponsored in the Senate by Brad Hoylman. Hoylman, though, seems to be backing off his enthusiasm for forced medical procedures and did not resubmitt this bill. However, Senator James Skoufis, sensing an opportunity to ingratiate himself with the vaccine industry, submitted the matching bill that Hoylman declined. Skoufis has introduced and co-sponsored several oppressive and lucrative (for the vaccine industry) bills in the last year in what appears to be an attempt to become the next Hoylman.
A1811 (Dinowitz-D)/S1945 (Hoylman-D), Mandatory flu shots to attend pre-school, daycare, K-12, Such a spectacularly bad idea that no one even pretends that the legislature would take action on this one.
S624 (Hoylman-D), Requires mandatory COVID shots for college students, This one just goes to show that you cannot underestimate the corruption and stupidity of many of our elected officials. Pressure from us compelled Asm. Dinowitz to pull his identical bill A2154 rendering this bill unable to go forward.
Next year we will be shifting toward passing good bills. The tide is turning. The regime media is beginning to admit things we have known for years, like the catastrophic injury and mortality caused by COVID injections. Criminals like Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins and Deborah Birx are confessing that they simply fabricated policies they knew had no basis in science or fact. Presidential candidates are talking and writing books about the rackets foisted off on us as public health policy.
Hang in there. Change is coming.
Such a hopeful article! Thank you Michael Kane!
Next I hope NYS is sued for the unconstitutional removal of religious exemptions for children up to grade12! So many children were denied a public school education due to that illegal ruling! 🥵