Stunning Defeat of Michael Mulgrew's UFT Caucus!
UNITY CAUCUS loses critical election for Retiree Chapter!
The RETIREE ADVOCATE slate has just beaten the Mulgrew-backed “Unified” Slate, which means RETIREE ADVOCATE will lead the Retired Teachers Chapter in NYC!
This is one of the most important political developments ever within the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) massive NYC Teacher Union. This defeat comes because Mulgrew is attempting to privatize the medical benefits of tens of thousands of retirees despite massive pushback from this large, powerful, and well organized membership.
TEACHERS FOR CHOICE supporters know that UFT President Michael Mulgrew also completely sold-out his members by supporting vaccine mandates that violated collective bargaining rights, and also violated the required due process of a 3020a hearing - required by NY State law - for firing teachers.
But 2024 is a much different time, and the retirees have just flexed their political muscle. NY Post reported this stunning blow to UFT. The Post writes:
The loss of control of the UFT’s Retired Teachers Chapter by Mulgrew’s camp means the renegade faction will now be overseeing about 300 union seats carrying crucial voting and administration powers while repping tens of thousands of retired teachers and other educators such as guidance counselors and paraprofessionals.
I am also hearing that the Paraprofessional Chapter just defeated the Unity Caucus slate as well, but I have yet to confirm the details surrounding this.
TEACHERS FOR CHOICE congratulates RETIREE ADVOCATE and their winning slate! The attack on the medical and collective bargaining rights of NYC workers has been absolutely outrageous over the past 3 years, and there is no individual more responsible for this attack than MICHAEL MULGREW.
Any-and-all attacks on the power of Mulgrew and Unity over UFT politics is a positive development for all working people in the state of New York!
Glad I voted for the better of the two :)👍
Thanks for the great news report!