New York: We need to send Tom Abinanti back to the Assembly!
A Democrat who supports Medical Freedom!
Tom Abinanti has always fought for medical freedom in Albany. His opponent has not. TEACHERS FOR CHOICE (TFC) fully endorses Tom Abinanti for New York Assembly! - Michael Kane, founder TFC
From John Gilmore and
We have 30 days to go (June 25) until the primary election for members of the New York legislature. We, as a community, need to get active backing those candidates who have proven track records of fighting for us, for our children, and for our rights.
In my opinion, first, and foremost, among the candidates we need to support is former Assemblymember Tom Abinanti in the 92nd Assembly District in north Westchester County. Re-electing Tom is not just a local issue, it is of statewide importance.
Tom is the father of an adult son diagnosed with autism. He knows our issues. He knows our struggles because he lives them. Tom was a champion for us for ten years in the Assembly. And we need to bring him back.
Tom was always there fighting for us -- medical freedom, special education funding, safety measures in schools and residential facilities, access to insurance coverage, parents’ rights, rights to medical informed consent, adult housing, and many other key issues.
Tom fought for the creation of the People with Disabilities Committee in the Assembly and won. He was the first Chair of the Committee. As Chair, Tom fought hard representing us, not the Governor, or the state bureaucracies, or the big agencies. We need his voice back in the Assembly.
He lost his seat in a primary election in 2022 to MaryJane Shimsky, a challenger who made Tom’s advocacy for us a key issue in a relentlessly dishonest and negative campaign. Shimcky lied about Tom. She accused Tom of being “anti-science, “and “a threat to public health.” Shimsky has never expressed any interest in any issues affecting people with autism or developmental disabilities or their families. It is time to bring Tom Abinanti back!
Please support Tom in whatever way you can!
He needs volunteers for phone banking, canvassing and other activities.
Call (914) 328-9000 or email at
Please donate to Tom’s campaign regardless of where you live. His impact was statewide, and it will be again if we get hm back in the Assembly.
Constituent donations are multiplied by 10!
If you are a constituent of the 92nd district any donation you make to Tom’s campaign will be matched ten-to-one by the new public matching fund program for the first $250.
So, if you donate $100, Tom’s campaign will receive $1150.
More information at:
P.O. Box 444 Tarrytown, NY 10591
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