This was an excellent interview! Unlike anything I have done before.
Nearly two hours long going from how I started my career in education, experience working with children & adults with disabilities including autism, fighting medical mandates, and my support for Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s historic run for President.
Definitely check this platform out - MSCS Media reaches millions of people and covers a wide range of topics and issues. I do not support every guest and every opinion MSCS covers and promotes, but there certainly is a ton that I do support.
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CA Teacher sues state and local government alleging arbitrary and capricious COVID policies:!Aq5lK3SLnSHRgaMhNyFYiBzZdEgkvQ
Props to that podcaster for a great interview -- usually coverage of education is either short Hallmark moments or pieces on how bad our public schools are. Thank you for your hard work, Michael. Sending you lots of love from a fellow former teacher!