Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Rally, East Capitol Park, 10 am
Albany, NY
If you can’t come, please scroll down and complete the actions linked below. Call your Senator and Assemblyperson and tell them the bills you support and don’t. And tell them you support everyone rallying in ALBANY on May 7 for Medical Freedom! We need to keep the pressure up until they go home on JUNE 6
Come to Albany!
Make appointments with your legislators Our goal is to get as many people as possible into the offices of their State Senator and Assemblymember, so please make appointments to see them on May 7. If you can’t get a meeting with them, go to their office anyway when you are there. If you can’t come to the rally, call and email their offices ALL DAY LONG ON MAY 7
You can look up your State Senator and Assemblymember here:
Bring friends and signs!!
Drop off personal letters to the leaders Write personal letters stating your beliefs on the bills below, and your experience with vaccine repression and drop them off at the offices of the leadership in Albany:
Governor Hochul’s Office, 2nd floor of the Capitol
Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Legislative Office Building, Rm. 907
Speaker of the Assembly Carl Heastie, Legislative Office Building, Rm. 932
Senate Health Committee Chair Gustavo Rivera, Capitol R. 502c
Assembly Health Committee Chair Amy Paulin, Legislative Office Building, Rm. 822
Your own Assemblymember
Your own State Senator.
Driving directions to Albany and parking locations
There are many threatening bills:
(Click on the underlined text to send messages to your legislators):
S118/A6676, Restores the religious exemption to attend school,
S4316/A6451, Allows people injured by vaccines required by the State to sue the State,
S5715/A4460, Requires parents to be present when vaccines are administered.
A3997/S1636, Prohibits mandatory COVID shots for work or college
A6761, would allow any medical treatment, including surgery, to be done to children without parental knowledge or consent,
S1531, Would make inclusion of all adult vaccine records, or lack of records, mandatory in a state database,
S762a/A276b, Allows vaccines for STDs to be given to minors without parental knowledge or consent.
A2125/S8113, Repeals religious exemptions for college and work
A1811/S1945, Mandatory flu shots for pre-K-12 school
S6103, Vaccines for 14-year-olds without parental consent
A2905, NYS Health. Dept. should not make medical exemptions decisions
S624, No mandatory COVID shots for college students
List of Speakers:
Assemblymember Jaime Williams
State Senator Alexis Weik
Mary Holland, Children’s Health Defense
Bobbie Anne Cox, Uniting NYS
Tricia Lindsay, Civil rights attorney, Suing Philadelphia for letting minors get shots without parental consent, State Senate candidate
Shannon Joy, The Shannon Joy Show
James Lyons Weiler, Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge
Trammel Thompson, Progressive Action
Dana Hensley, Restoring Childhood
John Gilmore, Autism Action Network
Michael Kane, Teachers for Choice
Rita Palma, My Kids My Choice
Rich Purtell, Libertarian Party
George Garvey, Strongest for Choice
Matt Connor, Bravest for Choice
Tom Lapolla, Assembly candidate
Cely Batista, Cops 4 Freedom and Finest for Choice
Margaret Cortese, Medical Professionals for Informed Consent
Ayesha Kreutz, Coalition to Protect Kids NY, Frederick Douglass Foundation
Brucha Weisberger, Lev Aharon Bikur Cholim
Curtis Cost
Joe Pinion
Please share this message with friends and family.
See our speakers here:
On my way!
Petroleum Based Synthetic Injections
Are Not Compatible
With Water Based Human Bodies.
This Is Not Complicated People.